PSBB 2023 - Learning+Docs
The Property sourcing business blueprint value bundle. Learning and Documents together for £2,500 with 12 months access.
Learn from trainers recognised as the best in the busines
The most popular option for those looking to build a property sourcing business and importantly, do it correctly from the start.
Build a property sourcing business that generates £2,000+ per deal you put together. Be a part of the property investment game without the need for a big deposit to get in.
Between the core learning and documents pack you receive over 25 hours of video learning, a comprehensive document pack with examples of every key document a Property Sourcer needs to operate legally and in compliance with all requirements.
Expert lead trainers, who are recognised as part of that small group of property educators who uphold standards and best practice in the Property Education industry.
What can you do with the right training, and the right attitude to apply it? Here's some examples from former students:
Ela & Mohammed - "52 deals sourced in year 1 of operation"
Andrew - "6 months in, hit his first 5 x deal month"
Flora - "0 - over 350 clients in year 1"
Those examples highlight how this course can help you build a £100,000+ per year business.
Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.
All Courses
Document pack. GDPR Policy & Compliance Documentation - 3 Downloads ADR/Complaints Resolution - 9 Downloads Market Advantage Exclusivity - 2 Downloads Terms of Business - 4 Downloads Anti Money Laundering - 5 Downloads Bonus Documents - 5 Downloads
All Courses
Build a successful property business. Allowing you to deal with investment buyers as a buyer's agent - commonly called sourcing - or operate on behalf of sellers to achieve best price - commonly called estate agency.