Course curriculum

    1. A boring property deal

    2. The whole deal - video lesson

    3. Key Learnings

    4. Suggested Exercise

    1. Understanding Property Market Cycles

    2. Market Cycles and Investment Style

    3. Key Learnings

    4. Suggested Exercise

    1. Key Takeaways

About this course

  • £24.99
  • 11 Lessons
  • 45 minutes of video content

How can you use property to create wealth?

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What people say about our training

  • Samantha

    "The training has been very interesting, informative and predominantly delivered in a clear way. As a consequence, I am more confident and knowledgeable and am able to progress with my business with enthusiasm."

  • Noel

    "Brilliant course, taught it in a way I could understand and take confidence from"

  • Lisa

    "Would thoroughly recommend so many light bulb moments going through."

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